Welcome to exciting competition days on June 8 – 11 from 10:00 to 19:00 (preliminary times)
Free entry!
Final concert on Thursday, June 13 at 18:00, at de Geerhallen with 8 finalists together with Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
Tickets for the final concert are available on the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra’s website.
We are very happy to once again welcome singers from all corners of the earth to this year’s Stenhammar competition!
The competition takes place on June 7 – 13, 2024 in Louis de Geer Norrköping.
After receiving over 130 applications from 29 countries, 45 singers have now been selected for this year’s competition.
Here are this year’s competitors in WSIMC 2024:
- Hannele Ahola, sopran, Finland
- Alexander Aldren, tenor, UK
- Lotta Bagge, mezzo, Sweden
- Harpa Ósk Björnsdóttir, sopran, Iceland
- Mathilda Bryngelsson, mezzo, Sweden
- Sigrid Bøe, sopran, Norway
- Kuy Choi, baryton, South Korea
- Fredrik Essunger, baryton, Sweden
- Amie Foon, mezzo, Sweden
- Cumhur Gorgun, bas, Turkey
- Gabriella Guilfoil, mezzo, USA
- Daniel Gwon, baryton, South Korea
- Meiyan Han, mezzo, China
- Chinatsu Hatano, sopran, Japan
- Mikael Horned, baryton, Sweden
- Fanya Jin, sopran, China
- Hugo Kampschreur, tenor, Netherlands
- Jaesung Kim, tenor, South Korea
- Jiyu Kim, sopran, South Korea
- Taeryul Kim, baryton, South Korea
- Byung Jun Ko, baryton, South Korea
- Katrin Helena Kuslap, sopran, Estonia
- Arne Kvarven, tenor, Norway
- Dohoon Lee, bas, South Korea
- Hakyeul Lee, baryton, South Korea
- Ebba Lejonclou, mezzo, Sweden
- Elisabeth Leyser, mezzo, Sweden
- Julia Lindgren, sopran, Sweden
- Jean-Philippe Mc Clish, bas, Canada
- Sanna Matinnniemi, sopran, Finland
- Celine Mun, sopran, South Korea
- Kristine Nowlain, sopran, Sweden
- Alva Olsson, sopran, Sweden
- Caroline Ottocan, sopran, Sweden
- Viktor Priebe, countertenor, Sweden
- Tomi Punkeri, baryton, Finland
- David Risberg, baryton, Sweden
- Erik Rosenius, Bas, Sweden
- Annika Sandberg, sopran, Sweden
- Kine Sandtrø, sopran, Norway
- Helena Schuback, sopran, Sweden
- Florentine Schumacher, sopran, Germany
- WenBo Shuai, Countertenor, China
- Jonah Spungin, baryton, Canada
- Luke Terence Scott, baryton, UK/Scotland
- Ylva Sofia Stenberg, sopran, Sweden
- Matilda Sterby, sopran, Sweden
- Xia Wang, sopran, China
- Annika Westlund, mezzo, Germany
Congratulations from us at Stenhammar Competition!
We are thrilled for Christina Nilsson! In the upcoming season, she will be stepping into the role of Aida at the Metropolitan Opera, a role that signified her breakthrough at the Stockholm Opera six years ago.
From Christina Nilsson’s facebook page:
Breaking News – Aida at The Metropolitan Opera House – March 2025

The application period has been extended to March 3. Welcome!
Sopranen Christina Nilsson, som vann Stenhammartävlingen 2016, kan nu höras på Europas främsta scener och även på Kungl.Operan i både Tosca och Elektra under 2023. Christina debuterar i juni med Aida i Berlin.
Vi följer hennes karriär med stor spänning!
Läs hela artikeln från tidningen Opus: Christina-Nilsson-OPUS-116!
The application for WSIMC 2022 is now open. You can find information under current competition. Welcome with your application, and do not forget to look at the repertorie and the sheet music from Wilhelm Stenhammar.
The application for WSIMC 2020 is now open. You can find information under current competition, the full program will be published later on. Welcome with your application, and do not forget to look at the repertorie and the sheet music from Wilhelm Stenhammar.
63rd WFIMC General Assembly 2019, held in Norrköping Sweden 8-11 May 2019, was launched at The Swiss Embassy in Berlin. Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition (WSIMC ) was represented by Sonja Stenhammar and Claes Egnell, hosts of the General Assembly 2019. Click here to continue reading!
Photo by WFIMC (left to right): Didier Schnorhk (President, WFIMC), Benjamin Woodroffe (Secretary General, WFIMC), Sonja Stenhammar (Founder & Artistic Director, Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition), Paul R. Seger (Swiss Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany), Claes Egnell (President, Wilhelm Stenhammar International Music Competition)
Sonja Stenhammar is a member of the jury in the VL International Musical Competition this year. The competition is organized to honor Dr. Luis Sigall, and it is held in Viña del Mar, Chile, between November 9th to 16th 2018.